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Spend the day and watch the BIG BAY BOOM downtown fireworks from one of THE BEST LOCATIONS in the city at Eppig’s Pt Loma Waterfront Biergarten! 

  • Opening early* at 11:00am and closing at 10pm after the fireworks!
  • $6 pints and $25 pitchers of our special release Liberty Cruise ale until 5pm. Every riders gets $1 off pint.
  • $15 BBQ plates by Nomad include: Smoked Pulled Pork with choice of 2 BBQ sauces (Carolina or Chipotle Peach) + 3 sides: Pineapple Coleslaw, Watermelon Salad, and Blue Cheese & Red Potato Salad
  • Special limited edition festive merchandise
THE BEST SPOT to watch the fireworks with the San Diego skyline as the backdrop featuring a live stream of the audio feed!

Join us at 10am with a group ride organized by the San Diego County Bike Coalition.

There will be two rides. One faster-paced ride going to Cabrillo.  The second is a slower-paced ride heading to Ocean Beach. Both Rides will be around an hour long.

Riders should be there by 9:30 am. Rolling out at 10 am.

* Tasting Room will begin serving at 11am after the ride. 

Join us

in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!