Thanks to so many of you for coming out to the Bike the Bay event that benefits us and the San Diego Mountain Bike Association. It was a beautiful day for a long ride with friendly folks. I rode it for the first time as a relative newbie to San Diego! This ride is one of our largest fundraisers, and we are grateful for your participation. We are in full swing at the Coalition doing what we do best - Cycling Education! Yet the atmosphere has changed this year. With the road safety states of emergency in North County, there is heightened awareness of the vital need for education; many schools asking kids to show proof of a cycling education class in order to have permission to park their (e)bike at school; demand for our already packed classes is soring; and families are concerned when they see classes booked up through November. Our Education & Outreach team is fielding requests as quickly as possible, but it’s too much for our little team. Help us build internal capacity to expand our education team by donating here on a monthly basis. Click on “other amount” and write in the amount to make a recurring monthly contribution. Pedaling together, Chloé Lauer, Executive Director |