Volunteer Hours Reporting

Reporting Volunteering Hours

We value all our Volunteers and the time that you give to your Bike Coalition.  We couldn’t accomplish all that we do without you.  That said, it is important that you report your volunteer hours so that we can obtain accurate volunteer time data.  

Volunteer data is used in our fundraising efforts and for reporting purposes.  This will also help us provide volunteer benefits.


If you volunteered for more then one volunteer activity (see activity list below) during a SDCBC event or for more than one day of the event, please report each set of volunteer hours separately.  

If you volunteered for more then one shift per (single day) event, just report your total time volunteered.

*** At this time, Bike the Bay volunteer hours are not counted as SDCBC volunteer time as it not organized by SDCBC. ***

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After you submit your volunteer hours, the volunteer coordinator will verify and then add the volunteer time to your profile, crediting you the volunteer hours under the activity you signed up for.

If you have any questions reporting your volunteer hours, please reach out to the volunteer coordinator (volunteering@sdbikecoalition.org).