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Bill Walton Memorial Ride

June 9 @ 8:30 am


On Sunday, June 9th, there will be a Bill Walton Memorial Ride open to all riders. As many of us know, besides being the basketball legend he was most known for, Bill Walton was also a strong advocate for the community of cyclists worldwide, and as well, a huge Grateful Dead fan.

Since Bill’s passing on 5/27, SDBC member Ron Guitard along with some others have been pulling together a ride in his honor, a ride dedicated to this great man that did so much for the sport of cycling.

Though not SDBC-sponsored, Ron Guitard and Michael Pelkey will assist in keeping the group together. 

The ride will start and finish at the Bea Evenson Fountain, just north of the Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park at the east end of El Prado. It will be no-drop, 17.5 miles in length, with only 685’ elevation. We will head down the SR-15 Commuter Bikeway, visit the Bill Walton statue at Mission Valley YMCA—the facility where Bill frequented, coached, trained, and recovered from injuries mainly via swimming—before returning thru Old Town, up Washington St, and back to ride start. 

Please arrive by 8:30 am. Bring water and energy bars, etc., and be ready to roll by 9:00. There may be a few short tributes beforehand. A group photo will be taken. This will be a casual ride and we will maintain keeping the ride together in pace & spirit.

Must wear helmets and bring only plastic bicycle water bottles, no store bought water bottles.

Be festive & grateful—anything Tie Dyed encouraged. 


June 9
8:30 am
Event Categories:


Bea Evenson Fountain
El Prado
San Diego, 92103 United States
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