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The California Bicycle Summit will be held April 18-19, 2024 in San Diego, CA

The biennial California Bicycle Summit is the state’s must-attend bicycle event, and one of the nation’s leading bicycle-related conferences.

Join this inspiring gathering of advocates, planners, and more for keynote addresses, plenaries, workshops, and bike rides.

The Bike Coalition will play a significant role in this year’s summit; we will host the welcome event on Wednesday, April 17th, and also lead the plenary session panel discussion on Friday the 19th on how grassroots bike groups and artists drive the culture change necessary to reach our policy goals. Our staff is also leading a session on E-Bike Legislation featuring a staff member from Tasha Boerner’s office.

Here are the sessions that SDCBC staff are presenting or leading:

  • Wednesday, April 17th: Mobile Session: Downtown San Diego Walking Route
  • Friday, April 19th: E-Bike Education for Youth and Adults: the Why and the How
  • Friday, April 19th: Lunch Plenary: How Artistry, Creativity and Community Move Culture: Diverse Grassroots Bike Groups in San Diego Leading the Mobility Evolution
  • Friday, April 19th: Mobile Session: Downtown San Diego Walking Route (repeat of Wednesday’s session)

Join us

in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!