Families for Safe Streets San Diego

Families for Safe Streets San Diego is a group of families who have lost loved ones to traffic crashes or been affected ourselves. We meet monthly to share stories, support each other, and advocate for safer streets. Join us as we seek to prevent any more families from losing their loved ones to traffic crashes.

Call To Action

Demand Safer Streets from Mayor Todd Gloria

San Diego's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget is being finalized now. Click the button below to send an email to the Mayor asking for more funding for life-saving traffic safety infrastructure in 2024

If you have lost a loved one to traffic violence, or are a survivor of traffic violence yourself, please join us in our work.

Our voices are stronger together.

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Feel free to email us directly at sdsafestreets@gmail.com

Support our Advocacy Campaigns:

Support Accountability for the Driver who Killed Matt Keenan

The driver who killed Matt Keenan is facing only a three-year license suspension. Attend the sentencing and send an easy email to the judge by Wednesday, 02/22 to demand greater accountability. EMAIL THE JUDGE On September 21, 2021, Matt Keenan left his home in North Park to bike to the movies in Mission Valley. He made this trip often, and

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Support Safe Streets in Carlsbad!

We need your helping convincing the City of Carlsbad to invest in bike safety! On August 23rd, the City of Carlsbad declared a bicycle safety state of emergency after drivers killed two bicyclists in August. Carlsbad City Staff have already used $2 Million in emergency funding to install twenty new green bike lane treatments, twelve digital message boards, and 17

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Sign our Open Letter to the Cities of San Diego County: Four cyclists were killed last week. We need bike safety improvements now.

From Sunday, August 7th to Monday, August 14th, four people were killed while using bicycles in San Diego County. Alongside BikeSD, Circulate San Diego, SD350, the Climate Action Campaign, and others, we’re sending an open letter to SANDAG and the cities of Carlsbad, National City,  and Escondido demanding rapid safety improvements to the streets where these crashes occurred and a

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Three Bicyclists Killed this Week

We are devastated to announce that three people have been killed while using their bikes in San Diego County within the last week. All of these are unimaginable tragedies, and our hearts go out to the loved ones of both victims. At 5:45 PM on Sunday, August 7th, Christine Hawk Embree was riding her E-Bike in Carlsbad with her 16

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