Support Safe Streets in Carlsbad!

We need your helping convincing the City of Carlsbad to invest in bike safety!

On August 23rd, the City of Carlsbad declared a bicycle safety state of emergency after drivers killed two bicyclists in August. Carlsbad City Staff have already used $2 Million in emergency funding to install twenty new green bike lane treatments, twelve digital message boards, and 17 speed feedback signs. They also have increased enforcement of traffic violations, and have begun an ambitious bike education campaign. We are encouraged by this work, but much more remains to be done for Carlsbad to create safe streets for everyone.

Last month, Carlsbad City Staff presented three options for expanding their bike safety campaign to the City Council, who then sent them back to Carlsbad’s Planning Commission for more feedback. This Thursday at 5 pm, Staff will be presenting their plans to the Planning Commission, and we need your help convincing them to select the safest option!


The Details:

Thursday, October 27th at 5 pm

Carlsbad City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008

Submit Speaker Slip for Item 1 to Speak


City staff will be presenting three options:

Option A would not increase funding for bike safety beyond the $2 Million already allocated.

Option B would allocate an additional $2.2 Million for items such as additional safety outreach, additional high-visibility crosswalks near schools, and increased funding for police e-citations and police rewarding teens for safe cycling.

Option C is advertised as costing an additional $48 Million, but 44 of those millions would go solely to a school busing program. The remaining $4 Million would go towards funding a whole list of awesome bike infrastructure and education projects, including expedited infrastructure projects, safe access plans for schools, speed cushions near schools, and updating the Mobility Element of Carlsbad’s general plan.

We will be asking the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support Option C with the exception of the school busing program. We love school buses, but right now it seems Carlsbad isn’t ready to invest in them. That shouldn’t discount all the rest of the programs in Option C from being pursued. We think City staff have come up with a visionary list of safety programs, and we hope you’ll join us in supporting them! 

If you’re unable to attend in person, please Email the Traffic and Mobility Commission at traffic

Let’s make Carlsbad’s streets safer for everyone!