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Join us for a guided bike tour of Barrio Logan!

We’re celebrating liveable streets with a bike ride and some safety and skills practice. It’s a fun and flat 4-mile ride around Barrio Logan.

You’ll be accompanied by two experience ride leaders who will bring you to some special sites in Barrio Logan and share some essential bike safety skills as you ride. All ages and abilities welcome! We will stop a lot along the way.

Click the button below to register for the guided tour

Find the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition Canopy in Chicano Park.

  • Bring your bike and you’ll be eligible for a FREE helmet or bike lock!
  • Bike safety resources available.
  • Guided tours leave from Chicano Park at 10am, 11am, 12pm and 1pm. (Register to join a tour!)

This is the final Chicano Park Vive event of the summer. Come out for “Música” a day of Musica at the Kiosco.

Check out this page for details about events in Chicano Park.

The Turning Wheel Project, Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center, Chicano Park Steering Committee, and The San Diego Foundation would like to invite the community to “Chicano Park Vive! Healing, Educating, and Leading.” There will be events throughout the summer at Chicano Park to honor our community with resources, youth engaging activities, wifi, music, and more.

Join us for our first event on Saturday June 26th from 10am-2pm, where we will be having an Open House to welcome folks into the park. The following is a list of the events throughout the summer

Join us

in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!