
Coronado Rotary Low Tide Ride & Stride (8.2 mile run/walk/or bike)

YMCA Camp Surf

The Coronado Rotary Low Tide Ride & Stride is an 8.2 mile run, walk or bike ride. It will take place on Sunday, June 26th 2016. The race goes from Imperial beach down to Coronado, traversing across beach owned by the US Navy (where the Navy Seals train). Since the race is held on the lowest tide of the month …

Coronado Rotary Low Tide Ride & Stride (8.2 mile run/walk/or bike)

YMCA Camp Surf

The Coronado Rotary Low Tide Ride & Stride is an 8.2 mile run, walk or bike ride. It will take place on Sunday, June 26th 2016. The race goes from Imperial beach down to Coronado, traversing across beach owned by the US Navy (where the Navy Seals train). Since the race is held on the lowest tide of the month …

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