
Volunteer Opportunity at Chula Vista Harborfest

Chula Vista Bayfront

The Chula Vista Harborfest is back! Music, tacos, and dance make this a fantastic event. The SDCBC will be hosting a booth at the Chula Vista Harborfest! We need some great volunteers to help staff the booth! The time is between 10-6 pm. Time slots are as follows: 10-12 noon 12 noon - 2 pm 2-4 pm 4-6 pm  Email michelle@sdbikecoalition.sdcbcdream.org for your …

Volunteer Opportunity at Chula Vista Harborfest

Chula Vista Bayfront

The Chula Vista Harborfest is back! Music, tacos, and dance make this a fantastic event. The SDCBC will be hosting a booth at the Chula Vista Harborfest! We need some great volunteers to help staff the booth! The time is between 10-6 pm. Time slots are as follows: 10-12 noon 12 noon - 2 pm 2-4 pm 4-6 pm  Email michelle@sdbikecoalition.sdcbcdream.org for your …

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in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!