
Blind Stokers Cycling Club Ride

BSC – CFS Ride: 40 Miles Start: San Dieguito RD, RSF, El Camino del Norte, home. Google Map Description: San Dieguito Rd, RSF, PCH, Torrey Pines, home. Start times are “Ready to Roll” BSC Ride Coordinator Thom Kezas Tkez64@yahoo.com Stay connected with BSC atwww.BlindStokersClub.organdwww.Facebook.com/BlindStokersClub

Blind Stokers Cycling Club Ride

BSC – CFS Ride: 40 Miles Start: San Dieguito RD, RSF, El Camino del Norte, home. Google Map Description: San Dieguito Rd, RSF, PCH, Torrey Pines, home. Start times are “Ready to Roll” BSC Ride Coordinator Thom Kezas Tkez64@yahoo.com Stay connected with BSC atwww.BlindStokersClub.organdwww.Facebook.com/BlindStokersClub

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