
Bike/Walk Chula Vista Meet and Greet

Mary's Downtown Plaza

Event duration: 6:00-8:30pm 290 3rd Avenue, Chula Vista Third Annual Meet and Greet With Special Guest Councilmember-Elect Steve Padilla Learn about highlights from the past year and meet advocates, community leaders, residents, city staff, business owners, and allies who are committed to improving the health and well-being of Chula Vista through vibrant, livable, and safe streets for all people. Refreshments and snacks provided.

Bike/Walk Chula Vista Meet and Greet

Mary's Downtown Plaza

Event duration: 6:00-8:30pm 290 3rd Avenue, Chula Vista Third Annual Meet and Greet With Special Guest Councilmember-Elect Steve Padilla Learn about highlights from the past year and meet advocates, community leaders, residents, city staff, business owners, and allies who are committed to improving the health and well-being of Chula Vista through vibrant, livable, and safe streets for all people. Refreshments and snacks provided.

Join us

in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!