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Bike Month

Bike Month is our spring Fundraising campaign. Our goal - $20,000!  Help us with your generous donation. Please Donate Here Bike Month is our favorite time of the year!  We've got lots planned and we hope you join us for all of the events and rides!Check out the winning SDCBC Bike Month T-Shirt Design!Important dates and activities.  We keep adding activities …

10th Annual Gordy Shields Memorial Ride

Pepper Park 3299 Tidelands Avenue, National City

A ride in memory & honor of cycling champion and advocate Gordy Shields 1918-2013In honor of all his work on the Bayshore Bikeway, resurfacing of the Fiesta Island Perimeter Rd. as well as countless hours of advocacy in the name of cycling for our cycling community, please join the San Diego Cyclo-Vets organizers on Sunday, May 7th to honor and celebrate …


Join us

in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!