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Bike Month

Bike Month is our spring Fundraising campaign. Our goal - $20,000!  Help us with your generous donation. Please Donate Here Bike Month is our favorite time of the year!  We've got lots planned and we hope you join us for all of the events and rides!Check out the winning SDCBC Bike Month T-Shirt Design!Important dates and activities.  We keep adding activities …

City Cycling – Electra (Encinitas)

Electra 364 2nd St Suite 140, Encinitas

Not comfortable on the road? Get ready to ride in the city! This class covers general bike safety, emergency maneuver skills, legal rights, and responsibilities. It’s perfect for beginners and equally valuable for experienced cyclists that want to brush up on road rules.   Classes are open to bike riders of all ages. E-bikes welcome! Class content applies to both regular and …


Join us

in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!