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Bike Month

Bike Month is our spring Fundraising campaign. Our goal - $20,000!  Help us with your generous donation. Please Donate Here Bike Month is our favorite time of the year!  We've got lots planned and we hope you join us for all of the events and rides!Check out the winning SDCBC Bike Month T-Shirt Design!Important dates and activities.  We keep adding activities …

Bike to Anywhere Day

SDCBC Offices 300 15th St, San Diego

Register here to Bike to Work Day on May 18th and join thousands of bike riders throughout the San Diego region on the morning of Bike to Anywhere Day!Invite your coworkers, friends, and family to take the pledge to Bike to Work! Print this poster and hang it on your office door or break room bulletin board, or share this graphic on social media. Get …


Join us

in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!