Bicycle Friendly Driver (Virtual) Course


Do you drive a car, bus or truck? Do you get curious, aggravated or confused by the way the cyclists move on the roads? Join us for the FREE 1.5 hour class on Zoom. The Bicycle Friendly Driver course will teach you about the road rules that apply to both cyclists and motorists so that you are well equipped to share …

Bicycle Friendly Driver Course


Do you drive a car, truck or bus? Learn about the road rules and responsibilities that apply to both bike riders and car drivers so that you can become a more bicycle friendly driver!  


Bike Friendly Driver Course

Do you drive a car, truck or bus? Do you get curious, aggravated or confused by the way the cyclists move on the roads? Learn about the road rules and responsibilities that apply to both bike riders and car drivers so that you can become a more bicycle friendly driver! The Bicycle Friendly Driver course will teach you about the road …


Bicycle Friendly Driver Course

REGISTER! Motorists and cyclists have the same rights on the road, but we often feel like very different beings when we are navigating the streets. Riding two abreast, exiting bike lanes, passing traffic…many of these maneuvers are legal, but do you know where and when?Our Bicycle Friendly Driver Course follows the League of American Bicyclists’ curriculum. Learn the road rules as they …


Join us

in making San Diego a better and safer place to bicycle for transportation, recreation and just plain fun. And it’s Free!