Board of Directors


Stephan Vance – Chair

Stephan Vance has been a Bike Coalition Board member since 1996. He also served on the Board of the California Bike Coalition from 1998 to 2017. Stephan retired in 2018 from a 36-year career with the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) where he worked in a variety of transportation and land use planning areas, but his primary focus was on active transportation. He helped developed design guidelines, oversaw grant funding programs that promoted bicycle and pedestrian travel, and helped develop a variety of major regions bike projects, including the Bayshore Bikeway, Coastal Rail Trail, Inland Rail Trail, and San Diego River Trail. Now that he’s retired, he’s riding his bike more for recreation.  When time permits, Stephan enjoys bike touring and has toured a variety of locations around the country.

Dorothy “Dorrie” Bruggemann – Vice Chair

Dorrie has lived in San Diego for a year and a half, and does work in voter outreach and community organizing. She has many memories of bicycling while growing up in Iowa, and enjoyed bicycling as her main form of transportation while living abroad in Spain for several years.  Returning to the States and moving to San Diego allowed her to realize the extent to which cars are prioritized in our transportation systems. After living here for over a year, she still finds herself sometimes afraid to explore new areas on her bike due to safety concerns. She sought out SDCBC in the hopes of helping create a San Diego where people from all walks of life can get around safely and comfortably using their bicycles, and where bicycling as a means of transport is viable across the entire city. As a board member, Dorrie will represent young, female, and casual bicyclists, and those who want all people and communities to be able to share the joy of bicycling!

Dorrie is also the interim chair of the Membership, Equity + Outreach Committee.

Daniel Gaytan – Treasurer

Daniel was born and raised in the South Bay of San Diego county. His passion for cycling connected him with the bike coalition and their mission. Daniel is a public policy and advocacy professional with experience working for government and nonprofit entities in San Diego, Washington DC, Orange County, and LA County. He hopes to use his experience in policy and grassroots advocacy to further the mission of the bike coalition to make all of San Diego County a friendlier place for cyclists of all levels. 

Virginia Lingham – Secretary

Virginia is a mobility technology leader with nearly 20 years of experience in transportation. She is passionate about improving transportation mobility and helping clients solve their most complex challenges, often by bridging the gap between research and implementation of emerging transportation technologies with innovative techniques and solutions.

Committee Chairs



Myles Pomeroy – Council of Bicycle Clubs

Myles is a retired urban planner who had a 23 year career with the City of San Diego and 15 years previously with the City of St. Louis. He rode his bike to work virtually every day in San Diego. He continues to ride recreationally several times a week. His professional background and continuing cycling activity means that he advocates for making San Diego more transit oriented and more bicycle and pedestrian friendly. Accordingly, Myles wants to promote a more compact development pattern for San Diego and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He currently serves as the Sierra Club Bike Section representative on the SDCBC Board.

Jim Baross – Education

Jim Baross has been a Coalition member since 1986 though not a founding member. He has served the Coalition as Board Chair, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Newsletter Editor, Spokesperson, and currently as Chair for the Education Committee. He has been teaching bicycling for the League of American Bicyclists since 1986 as an Effective Cycling Instructor, a League Cycling Instructor, and an LCI Coach. He is a Regional Trainer/Coach for League Cycling Instructors having trained more than 300 instructors in California and Nevada. Jim also is a CyclingSavvy instructor. His bicycling credentials include being a ride leader for “BikeCentennial ‘76” riding across the USA Westbound in 1976 then again Eastbound using the Northern Tier to cross the USA in 2007 with his two sons; Kevin and John. 

Jim has served as Chair of the San Diego Regional Association of Governments (SANDAG) Bicycle Pedestrian Working Group; Vice-Chair of the Department of Transportation’s California Bicycle Advisory Committee and as President of the City of San Diego Retired Employee Association. He presently serves as Co-lead for the California Strategic Highway Safety Plan, Bicycling Challenge Area 13; and as President of the California Association of Bicycle Organizations; as well as Vice Chair of the Normal Heights Community Planning Group.

Katie Crist – Governance 

Katie Crist, PhD, MPH, is a public health researcher at the University of California, San Diego. She is interested in working with transportation planners, decision makers and advocates to help create vibrant communities that support health, equity and opportunities to be more physically active in our everyday lives. Her research interests include evaluating how the built environment and transport infrastructure impact health and travel behavior and the delivery of programs to increase biking, walking and transit use.  She gets to work, and most places, by bike so is well aware of the challenges to non-vehicle travel in our region. She has been engaged with the Coalition since 2012, serving as the Chair of multiple committees and Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors.

Dorothy “Dorrie” Bruggemann – Outreach, Equity + Membership

Dorrie has lived in San Diego for a year and a half, and does work in
voter outreach and community organizing. She has many memories of
bicycling while growing up in Iowa, and enjoyed bicycling as her main
form of transportation while living abroad in Spain for several years.
Returning to the States and moving to San Diego allowed her to
realize the extent to which cars are prioritized in our transportation
systems. After living here over a year, she still finds herself sometimes
afraid to explore new areas on her bike due to safety concerns. She
sought out SDCBC in the hopes of helping create a San Diego where
people from all walks of life can get around safely and comfortably
using their bicycles, and where bicycling as a means of transport is
viable across the entire city. As a board member, Dorrie will represent
young, female, and casual bicyclists, and those who want all people
and communities to be able to share the joy of bicycling!

Members At Large

Steve Myrick

Over the past 20 years, I have bicycled in over a dozen European countries, Australia and Japan. Cycling in these many locations has allowed me to observe cycling infrastructure in all of its forms. There is no denying that safe bicycling infrastructure promotes more participation in cycling. There needs to be an organization like the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition to help municipal planners design safe bicycling infrastructure. Yes, cost is an issue, however, so is quality of life. More people using bicycles to meet their everyday needs means less air pollution and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Cycling in Europe, North America, Australia, and Asia for the past 30 years has given me an insight into what safe cycling infrastructure should look like. These past 30 years have taught me that cycling increases when there is safe cycling infrastructure. I support safe cycling infrastructure for experienced as well as novice riders. When cyclists feel safe they cycle more. 

Derby Pattengill

Derby Pattengill (he/him) is a lifelong cyclist and community leader, Derby brings a wealth of experience to the San Diego Bicycle Coalition’s Board of Directors. Graduating from the University of San Diego, he pursued cycling professionally before dedicating 17 years to the Parent Teachers Association (PTA). Holding leadership positions at local, county, and state levels, including four years as the Federal Advocate for the California State PTA, he championed policies supporting children and families. Complementing advocacy with education, Derby currently works as a substitute teacher in the San Diego Unified School District, offering invaluable insights into community needs. Through these experiences, Derby hopes to bring valuable insights into the diverse needs of our community to my role on the San Diego Bicycle Coalition’s Board of Directors.

Amanda Peacher

Amanda Peacher (she/her) is a mom to two energetic young boys, an award-winning public radio journalist, an instructor at UC San Diego, and an avid bicyclist. She moved to the community in 2019, after living in Idaho and Oregon for decades. She’ll just as easily hop in the saddle for a 60-mile Saturday road ride as she will to tote her two young kids to preschool a couple miles away. In other words, she’s passionate about expanding safe, equitable cycling options to all levels of bicyclists throughout our community. When she’s not on a bike, Amanda enjoys backpacking, thrift shopping for vintage finds, and making homemade pizza on Friday nights.

Gibram Sanchez

As an Urban Planner and active member of the San Diego community, I assert that the advocacy for policies and regulations geared towards the advancement of equity in transportation planning and funding is important. These mechanisms function as a navigational framework for the systematic alleviation of disparities in transportation accessibility and outcomes within our region. I’m committed to bolstering the efforts of the San Diego Bike Coalition through fundraising, volunteer contributions, and the application of my expertise. Notably, I previously collaborated with Free Bikes 4 Kidz/SDCBC as the Volunteer Coordinator throughout the entire duration of their 2021 program.

Linda Webb

Linda has been riding San Diego county roads for over 50 years. Her earliest bike memory is watching the 1962 Tour de France with her father, then organizing races with the neighborhood kids. Her interest in cycling led her to become president of the San Diego chapter of AYH (American Youth Hostels), a recreational cycling club in the 1980’s. She was a bike commuter for 40 years. She served on the Board of the San Diego Bicycle Club for many years and is a regular development ride leader whose goal is to develop safe, confident, competent road cyclists. 

JD Weidman

JD Weidman (he/him) is the Director of Transportation Services at San Diego State University. In his role he manages campus transit programs, permitted parking, parking enforcement, vanpool, micromobility, car share, EV charging, and other sustainable transportation initiatives. Before SDSU, JD worked at UC Santa Cruz as the Sr. Associate Director of Transportation Services. He has also worked in transportation consulting, light rail construction projects, and he is the founder of a bike valet service called Two Wheel Valet. JD earned a Master’s degree at John Hopkins and his Bachelor’s degree at Georgia Tech. He is endlessly fascinated by how our transportation infrastructure shapes our public spaces, and he is an avid road cyclist, mountain biker, and e-bike commuter. He’s lived most of his life without owning a car, and finds it fun to navigate the world without one whenever possible. Outside of transportation, JD is interested in sustainable food systems, and he’s into backpacking, skiing, reading books, and going to the beach. 

Carl Weymann

Carl Weymann is a retired bike shop owner and elementary school teacher. He began racing at 18, and attended SDSU where he founded the intercollegiate cycling team while also rowing crew.  After graduation, he worked as a technical marketing rep for SunTour cycling components and as owner of Adams Avenue Bicycles until 2000. 
In a second career in 1999, he taught elementary school at Darnall Charter School, where he served on the board and founded a very successful chess club. Bike commuting to work was a constant, as well as weekly training rides all around San Diego. Carl met his wife Karen at the bike shop in 1988 and have enjoyed a honeymoon, many vacations and trips to Europe on bikes together. Lately he has also been bitten by the pickleball bug. The San Diego County Bicycle Coalition is a great way to give back to the activity that has been a central part of his life. 

Club and Organization Members

Serge Issakov – San Diego Bicycle Club

Serge Issakov has been a member of the Coalition board representing the San Diego Bicycle Club since 2004. He chaired the Council of Clubs previously and is currently vice chair. Member of Advocacy committee. Serge is a League Certified Instructor. He also sits on San Diego’s Mobility Board representing District 1, and serves as Secretary on the board of the California Association of Bicycling Organizations. Serge is skeptical about the effectiveness of most bike infrastructure in terms of significantly increasing ridership and improving actual rider safety. He believes more emphasis on education and marketing good traffic cycling skills and practices would be far more effective at making cycling safer, more enjoyable and more attractive for anyone 8-80. He would like to see more emphasis on getting the 2% of the population that does 90% of the riding to use bikes more for commuting and other utilitarian trips.

Howard La Grange – Bike/Walk Alliance

Howard has been an active cyclist for over 60 years and a member of the Coalition since 2005.  He continues to promote active transportation currently working as the Active Transportation and Micromobility Coordinator for the City of Oceanside.  A League Cycling Instructor since 2000, he teaches Smart Cycling classes and holds bike education rodeos for elementary schools.  He has worked with the Coalition to form local advocacy organizations (BikeWalks) to promote active transportation in their communities.  The goal is to have the regional BikeWalks work with their local municipalities in promoting biking and planning bike facilities.

Mark Semancsin – Bike Buddies

I am an ex runner and running coach that can no longer run. Now, after retiring from a management career, I enjoy cycling, working out at the gym, Pilates, Yoga, all to stay in shape.  Due to gyms being closed and less activities from Covid 19, in the first 10 months of 2020, I rode over 11,000 miles with 650,000 ft of climbing on my bike.  My greatest recent achievement was a solo, unsupported ride of 208 miles in one day in June, averaging over 15mph.  I’m fulfilled from leading rides for the Bike Buddies Cycle Club. I enjoy the company from other riders while participating in physical activity.   

Board Member Volunteering

Committees & Meetings

The San Diego County Bicycle Coalition’s board of directors and committees meet regularly. If you are interested in getting involved with one of our committees, please reach out to the chairperson.

Board of Directors

The full board of directors meets every 4th Wednesday in January, April, July, October

Executive Committee

Meets every 4th Wednesday, monthly at 6:30pm on Zoom

Governance Committee

Meets as needed on Zoom

Education Committee

Meets every 4th Thursday on odd months at 7pm on Zoom.

Advocacy Committee

Meets every 2nd Wednesday on odd months at 7pm on Zoom

Membership Committee

Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of even month at 6pm on Zoom

Council of Clubs

Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of odd months at 6pm on Zoom

Outreach & Equity Committee

Meets on the 2nd Monday of even months at 6:30pm on Zoom