Get on your bike, skateboard, scooter or slip into your walking shoes for 4 weeks of fun!
- Many of the challenges can also be completed from the comfort of your own home! If you’re out in public, please wear a mask to protect yourself and others from COVID-19
It's time for an end of summer SCAVENGER HUNT!?!
Explore Imperial Beach California, complete challenges and win prizes!
The scavenger hunt starts at 8am on August 22nd and ends on September 19th, after the IBactive Community Walk, Ride and Roll.
Earn points all month for your chance to win prizes!
What are the prizes?
There are heaps of awesome prizes from local businesses!
- Art and free classes
- Yoga and fitness passes
- Gift certificates to your favorite IB restaurants
- Food items
- Bike safety gear
Take a victory lap on September 19th during the IBactive Community Walk, Ride and Roll
The Scavenger Hunt concludes with a community event on September 19th from 9am-2pm.
Come out and walk, ride, skate or roll around the self-guided route of Imperial Beach visiting pit stops along the way. It’s a flat and easy 5 mile ride with 4 pit stop locations to enjoy.
Pit Stop activities include:
- Yoga and fitness classes every hour, on the hour in Veteran’s Park
- Bike safety and skills training at Triangle Park
- A pedestrian safety demo in People’s Park
- Delicious food from your favorite restaurants
- ebike test rides in the Bikeway Village
- Community pit stops all along the route (like lemonade stands and yard sales)
What is an Active Transportation Scavenger Hunt?
This is a semi-virtual event for active transportation users to explore their neighborhood and get to know their community. Using the Scavify app to track points and complete tasks, participants will ride, walk, skate, and roll around Imperial Beach visiting points of interest, shops, sharing photos, and completing mini challenges.
The more tasks you complete, the higher the chances you have of winning prizes.
When is the event?
August 22nd until September 19th, 2021
Tasks must be completed by 3pm on September 19th to be counted.
How do I win prizes?
Simply download Scavify, join the IBactive Scavenger Hunt and start earning points for completing tasks. The top 10 point earners will win prizes. We’ll contact them about 1 week after the event ends. And yes, you get to pick your preferred prize!
What do I do if I have an issue with the Scavenger Hunt app?
Email us at and we’ll help you solve them.
Can I get some freebies?
August 22nd, 2021 is also our annual Bike the Bay ride across the Coronado Bridge. Join us for Bike the Bay and stop by the Bikeway Village for some scavenger hunt freebies!
Come get a free bike helmet, lights or other safety gear and swag items for registering for the Scavenger Hunt.
LOCATION: Radpower Bikes in the Bikeway Village, 535 Florence St, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
How does this support businesses and communities?
The purpose of this event is to encourage active transportation use and highlight businesses, art and culture!
Participants must use active transportation to explore the city. Because active transportation allows people to move slowly and parking is not a factor in their access, these people are generally more positive, and they are able to experience, and see more of what your area has to offer! Cities are safer when more people go with active transportation. This event encourages people reduce their local carbon footprint and live a more healthy life style.
Products, gift certificates and services purchased from businesses in your area will be awarded as prizes to the scavenger hunt winners. We expect about 800 people to participate, visiting your business district regularly during month long event and discovering what makes Imperial Beach so special.
Error on the quiz?
Email us at with the subject “IBactive”
Participating organizations include:
Made possible by: City of Imperial Beach, Love to Ride, IBactive, the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition