City Cycling Class- In Person

Level up your bike skills in an in person City Cycling Class. This 3 hour class is taught in Encinitas. It includes a 45-minute lecture, followed by 2 hours of…

Bike Commuter 202

Join us on Zoom for a free class about bike commuting. This is a follow-up to our Bike Commuting 101 class, but that class is NOT a prerequisite for attending…

All About E-Bikes

Register Here! What are electric bicycles? How do the rules of the road apply to e-bikes? Why are e-bike so popular all the sudden? Do you have questions about e-bikes? …

Women+ on Wheels Webinar

What's it like to be a women+ who rides bikes? How have your experiences shaped the way you ride and where you ride? Let's explore bike culture from a women's perspective! …

Biking with Kids

SIGN UP! A FREE virtual bike education class all about how to ride with kids ages 1- 18! Not comfortable riding on the road with your kids? Get ready for your…

La Mesa Spring Scavenger Hunt

WALK- RIDE - SKATE - ROLL Explore La Mesa, complete challenges and win prizes while doing your part to protect our precious mother earth! Tell me more!This is a semi-virtual…